Continuum of Care Project
Health Sciences Center -
UNM School of Medicine

2350 Alamo Avenue SE, Suite 160
Albuquerque, NM 87106

Main: (505) 925-2350
Fax: (505)925-2389
Toll free 1-877-684-5259
Map to Continuum of Care

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End of Life

End of Life Articles

End of Life Information

  1. Introduction to End of Life Resources [PDF]
  2. Index for End of Life Resources [PDF]
  3. Advance Directives terms and abbreviations [PDF]
  4. Informational Material for Individuals, Families and Guardians [PDF]
  5. BBS Buzz – Grief and Loss [PDF]
  6. End of Life White Paper [PDF]
  7. Poem: Tis a Fearful Thing [PDF]

End of Life Forms

Form 1 - Advance Directive from the New Mexico State Bar [PDF]

Form 2 - New Mexico Uniform Health Care Decisions Act Optional Advance Directive [PDF]
Disclaimer: This document is part of the New Mexico Uniform Health Care Decisions Act 24-7A-1 NMSA 1978 section 24-7A-4)

Form 3 - Do Not Resuscitate Order New Mexico Emergency Services: English VersionSpanish Version
Disclaimer: By clicking on one of the below links, you will be directed to a specific section of the New Mexico Department of Health EMS Bureau. To view their website in its entirety, please visit

Form 4 - Do Not Resuscitate - Do Not Attempt Resuscitation in Schools [PDF]

Form 5 - The Uniform Healthcare Decisions Act: Designation of a Surrogate Healthcare Decision Maker [PDF]
Disclaimer: This form is not intended to replace legal Guardianship which is established through the New Mexico Court system. For any questions and/or further instructions to complete this form, please contact Lisa Storti, Office of Constituent Support, New Mexico Department of Health, Development Disabilities Supports Division at (505) 476-8972.  For additional information regarding Guardianship, please contact the New Mexico Office of Guardianship at (505) 841-4519)

Form 6 - New Mexico Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST)
Disclaimer: By clicking on this link, you will be directed to a specific section of the New Mexico Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST). To view their website in its entirety, please visit